Weak Steel Sheet Price in Tokyo

Sheet steel market price is flat with weak tone at 103,000-105,000 yen per tonne for hot rolled flat steel at dealers’ sites around Tokyo. The price is 106,000-109,000 yen for pickling steel, 112,000-115,000 yen for cold rolled flat steel.

Dealers’ shipment is slow. Many general contractors hold the order for steel sheet for building material due to decrease ferrous scrap price. Steel sheet shipping is decreasing for appliance or machine tool by a degree due to slower demand for construction. Dealers decreased the order from component makers when the output of automobile became slow.

Dealers couldn’t pass increasing purchase price on selling price in July, yet. Dealers have a sense of crisis about decreased profit. However, dealers’ competition is stiff, yet.

Dealers anticipate decreasing the market price when Tokyo Steel Manufacturing, Japanese major steel sheet maker, decreased steel sheet selling price by 12,000 yen per tonne for the contract in September.