Weak Ni Stainless Flat Steel in Tokyo

Stainless cold rolled flat steel market price is decreasing to 450,000-460,000 yen per tonne for SUS304 base size around Tokyo due to cheaper import products from or decreased material price. Major dealer source said the shipping became slower from July. The demand is weak for building material. Dealers’ inventory keeps high level.Japanese stainless flat steel processors’ inventory was flat at 61,028 tonnes for nickel series products in August from last month, according to industrial association. The sales decreased to 26,784 tonnes by 9.7% in August from July. Large dealer source said the demand is slow despite of demand season, is seemed to be weak compared with each year. Nickel ingot price decreased to US$7.36 per pounds with London Metal Exchange, which hit a record low in this year. Stainless cold rolled flat steel market price is expected to take a dip in near future.