Japan Rolled Al Output and Shipment Continue Wide Drop

Japanese domestic production of aluminium rolled products, including plates and extrusions, decreased by 40.3% to 112,091 tonnes in February from a year earlier while the shipment declined by 38.7% to 112,991 tonnes, according to Japan Aluminium Association. Both production and shipment represented year-on-year minus for 5 straight months. Aluminium foil shipment plunged by 95.2% to 176 tonnes in February from a year earlier, which represented more than 90% minus for 2 months in a row.

Production and shipment of aluminium plate showed year-on-year decline for 5 straight months. The demand dropped for foil materials, electric appliances, transporting machines and wholesalers. The export almost halved.

Production and shipment of aluminium extrusions kept year-on-year minus for 25 straight months. The demand maintained stagnant from constructions and automobiles.

As to aluminium foils, production and shipment showed year-on-year decrease for 5 months in a row with weak demand from capacitors, foods, chemical applications, daily goods and exports.