Flat Sheet Steel Price in Tokyo

Sheet steel market price is flat at around 63,000-67,000 yen per tonne for hot rolled flat steel. The dealers started to expect the bottom is near when dealers’ liquidation activity is slower recently. However, the price shows no sign to recover due to very slow demand in major applications.

The price is 64,000-68,000 yen per tonne for pickling steel, 82,000-85,000 yen for cold rolled flat steel, 88,000-91,000 yen for hot based coated steel and 98,000-101,000 yen for cold based coated steel. The price is expected to approaching bottom for cold and coated steel.

However, the demand is very slow for automobile and construction while the dealers’ shipment slightly recovers for appliances. The dealers’ try to get order in the slow demand while offshore makers including South Korean makers try to expand the sales in Japan despite of the lower yen rate.

The dealers wait the May order price announcement by Tokyo Steel Manufacturing on Monday. The market could change the mood depending on the announcement.