Annealed Steel Wire Price Declines by 7,000Y/T

Annealed carbon steel wire market price declined by 5% or 7,000 yen to 133,000-135,000 yen per tonne for the size with 4 millimeter diameter from the beginning of June around Osaka. The price is declining steadily under the demand stagnation. Dealer source forecasts that the price could decrease more.

By ordinary, annealed steel wire shipment decreases while the construction work doesn’t decrease despite of in rainy season. However, the shipment declines more compared with the usual years due to low demand for building and civil engineering, according to dealer sources. Customers require the price cut of annealed wire and its processed products. Wire makers and dealers aim to avoid price reduction to maintain the profitability. However, some dealers offer lower transaction price for large inquiry when the dealers plan to secure a sale.