Antimony Market Price Stays Nominally High, Osaka

Antimony market price stays as high as 690-740 yen per kilogram around Osaka. The market price shows nominally high mood even before Japanese summer holidays for August 10-14. The supply and demand balance is tight because domestic antimony consumers restarted spot procurement after severe inventory adjustment. The shipment will resume on Monday. Meanwhile, the actual demand still stays at low level. Supply tightness might be eliminated in a short term.

The price in European market is currently US$ 5,700-5,900 per tonne, according to Reuters. European market price rose by 25% during July and seemed to reach US$ 6,000. In August, the price levels off. International antimony price surged due to Chinese supply regulation. Chinese exporters seem to strengthen supply regulation even more in August. Japanese trader source said the market price wouldn’t turn down for a while.