Indium Price to Increase More in Tokyo

Indium price is likely to increase around Tokyo. The market price is more than 35,000 and less than 40,000 yen per kilogram for low grade products for low-melting-point alloy while the price was 30,000-35,000 yen in early August. The price is likely to increase to more than 40,000 yen when the overseas price is increasing.

Indium overseas price is US$ 275-350 per kg, according to Reuters. The price was in range of US$ 300-350 during the past half year. However, the price seems to increase to more than US$ 350 due to the firm demand in China.

Japanese indium tin oxide target maker, the large user of indium, is at full capacity operation when the liquid crystal panel television sales are high in China. The maker source said buyers try to secure indium when they expect the excess indium inventory adjustment would progress and the ITO makers could restart indium procurement in and after October.