Japan Stainless Scrap Price in Wait-and-See Situation

Japanese stainless scrap market price is in wait-and-see situation for SUS 304. The market price had been rose when the export price is rising for East Asia and Japanese stainless makers are starting increasing output. However, a large dealer source said the market price isn’t clear in the future when LME nickel price decreased to below US$ 18,000 per tonne on Friday.

Domestic stainless scrap demand increased since July, but stainless scrap generation is continuing to decrease largely. Japanese stainless scrap export decreased by 15% for January-July from the same period of last year, while trade volume of dealers is decreasing by 30-50%.

The supply and demand is tight. A large dealer source said Japanese stainless makers may decrease the purchase price of stainless scrap when their output is increasing for spot export. Stainless scrap market price would decrease when dealers’ shipment increases to makers and shippers if anticipation of a fall for the market price goes about.