Japan Copper Mixed Scrap Export Price Plunges

Japanese export price of copper and mixed scrap plunges for China due to slow Chinese demand and higher yen rate. The exporters decreased the purchase price by around 20% for mixed scrap and some exporters stopped the scrap purchase when Chinese demand is expected to keep slow for a while.

The exporters purchase mixed scrap, which contains manly ferrous scrap with copper, aluminium and stainless, at around 45 yen per kilogram. The price is much lower than 55-60 yen in late September. The scrap purchase price also decreased from 310-320 yen to 280-290 yen or brass and bronze mixed scrap.

The mixed scrap export price turned into decrease due to lower ferrous scrap price while the mixed scrap domestic market price kept relative higher level due to tight supply. However, slower Chinese demand reduced price widely when the scrap inventory piled up at parts in China. Higher yen rate also reduced the dollar value for the scrap.

An exporter said Chinese buyers are out of the market just after Chinese National Day holiday. The dealers expects the demand could keep low for China while the domestic supply would get easier despite of low level generation.