Japan Import Flat Steel Stock Hits First Rise in 10 Months

Japanese pier inventory of imported flat rolled steel increased by 10,000 tonnes or 7.6% to 140,000 tonnes in Tokyo and Osaka at end of October from September, announced by Hanwa Co. on Monday. The stock increased for the first time since December 2008 while the stock level was 77,000 tonnes or 35.4% lower than a year earlier level. The stock increased from September when the buyers’ reduced the acceptance under slow demand while the import volume was low level.

The stock increased by 2,000 tonnes or 3.2% to 63,000 tonnes at end of October from September in Osaka. The stock increased by 2,000 tonnes or 6.6% to 32,000 tonnes for cold rolled coil while the stock was flat at 8,000 tonnes for plate and at 23,000 tonnes for hot coil.

The stock increased by 11.5% or 8,000 tonnes to 77,000 tonnes in Tokyo at end of October from September. The stock increased by 17.3% or 8,000 tonnes to 54,000 tonnes for hot coil while the stock was flat at 9,000 tonnes for plate and at 14,000 tonnes for cold coil.