H-beam Market Price Likely to Lower, Tokyo

H-beam market price is weak at 62,000-63,000 yen per tonne for products with 200 by 100 millimeters widtharound Tokyo. Tokyo Steel Manufacturing announced to lower its H-beam selling price by 2,000 yen for January contracts. The market mood weakened to follow the announcement. Wholesalers are in very severe price competitions.

Wholesalers’ H-beam inventory volume keeps flat in December. Dealers are decreasing H-beam orders to the makers. H-beam arrivals are decreasing as a result. On the other hand, dealers’ shipment volume seems slightly lower in December than in November. Some concerned sources say the shipment volume may decline widely with fewer business days in December.

A few large-size construction projects are restarting. However, middle- and small-size construction projects maintain stagnant, the main sales targets for H-beam wholesalers. These dealers are suffered from the red due to low shipment and market price. Dealers recognize more price cut has a vital importance for their management but they are forced to lower the reselling price to secure sales volume.