Flat Ferrous Scrap Price in Tokyo

Ferrous scrap price is flat at around 18,000 yen per tonne for H2 grade, 19,800 yen for H1 grade and 21,500 yen for HS grade at the dealers’ purchase price including the freight around Tokyo. Local electric furnace steel makers pay 24,000-25,000 yen for H2 grade while higher price is around 25,500 yen.

Ferrous scrap price does not decline due to the firm demand for export while local electric furnace steels’ production remains low. Ferrous scrap demand is expected to remain low in January. However, one dealer source sees scrap generation would not increase in January. The price would be flat for a while.

Ferrous scrap price is flat with potential strong tone in Osaka. The dealers’ price is 16,000 yen per tonne for H2 grade while local electric furnace steels pay 23,500-25,000 yen for H2 grade.