Firm Rebar Price in Tokyo

Concrete reinforcing steel bar market price is firm at around 51,000 yen per tonne for direct transaction from the makers to the users and at around 56,000 yen for the dealers’ sales from the inventory around Tokyo. Local smaller sized rebar makers increased the selling price in the month to cover higher ferrous scrap cost. The base sized rebar makers are expected to increase the selling price. The supply side pressure could lift the market price.

The small size rebar price hike is around 3,000 yen per tonne while each makers offer different price depending on the users. They try to realize higher selling price to cover higher scrap cost. With the move, the dealers try to avoid low priced transaction while they got order with less than 50,000 yen per tonne before. Under increasing scrap price, the makers could increase the selling price more.

The local makers’ order receipt is estimated to reach 200,000 tonnes in January when the buyers try to secure rebar at lower price before the increase. The actual demand is still slow while the makers’ order book improves temporally compared with the condition in and before December. The makers try to adjust the production and sales volume to the low level demand to improve the selling price.