H-Beam Price to Increase in Tokyo

H-beam market price would increase from 61,000 yen per tonne for base size around Tokyo. The dealers increased the offer to 63,000 yen while the makers cut the order receipt from the dealers to adjust supply and demand balance. The price would increase gradually due to the low level demand.

The dealers’ shipment in February seems to be slightly lower than the level in January. The dealer sources see the makers would increase the price more. However, the dealers keep the purchase at low level when the demand is unforeseeable. The inventory held by dealers is same as January. Nippon Steel and other H-beam makers increase the export and aim to increase the domestic price as increasing overseas price.

The dealers experience hard time to pass the higher cost price to the reselling price. The dealers’ price hike attempt is likely to take more time to be accepted by the buyers when the demand stays low level.