Japan Silicon Single Crystal Shipment to Increase by 32% in 2010

Japanese silicon single crystal shipment for semiconductor is estimated to increase by 32% to 8,522 tonnes in 2010 from 2009 and the shipment becomes same level as 2008, according to silicon group of Japan Society of Newer Metals. The shipment would increase mainly for wafer with 350 millimeters diameter due to the growing semiconductor demand in emerging countries along with domestic renewal demand for personal computer by companies.

The shipment of silicon single crystal is estimated to increase by 33% to 4,352 tonnes for domestic market in 2010 from 2009 while the export is estimated to increase by 31% to 4,170 tonnes. The export volume exceeded domestic shipment since 2004 through 2008 when the semiconductor production is increasing in Asian countries. However, the domestic shipment is estimated to exceed the export for 2 years in a row after semiconductor price collapsed and the export decreased in 2009.

The production is estimated to increase by 30% to 8,265 tonnes in 2010 from 2009. The production decreased by 24% to 6,344 tonnes in 2009 from 2008.