Japan Processors to Hike Sheet Steel Reroll Products

JFE Galvanizing & Coating announced on Thursday the firm increases the selling price by more than 20,000 yen per tonne for coated and colored flat steel for March order or April shipment. The firm tries to pass higher cost price when JFE Steel increases the sheet price by 15,000 yen for April shipment while zinc and aluminium cost increases. The firm indicates potential additional hike depending on raw materials cost.

Japanese sheet steel rerollers try to pass the higher cost on the selling price. Chiba based sheet forming maker, Komatsugawa Kohki, which is part of Metal One group, decided to increase the C shaped light channel by 5,000 yen per tonne for April shipment. The firm tries to find the timing for additional price hike depending on market condition to cover higher cost price.