Relatively-Strong Cu Scrap Price in Tokyo

Copper scrap market price is relatively strong around Tokyo. Despite the increase in overseas copper market price, the dealers kept the price on Wednesday due to the flat Japanese official copper ingot price and unforeseeable price trend. However, the copper scrap price is relatively high for 700,000 yen per tonne of official copper price when the inventory remains low.

No.1 copper wire scrap market price decreased to 615-625 yen per kilogram at the dealers’ purchase price including freight when the copper official price declined by 20,000 yen per tonne on Tuesday. However, the scrap price is around 630 yen for large lot transaction, according to one dealer. The brass shredding scrap price is 455-465 yen while some dealers pay around 470 yen due to the tight supply.

The dealers get order for brass turning scrap from rolled copper makers. However, the dealers cannot meet the all orders when the scrap generation decreases due to low operation rate by brass bar processors. The market price is 425-430 yen while the price is around 435 yen for large lot transaction.