Plate Price Shows Sign to Increase in Tokyo

Plate steel price could increase around Tokyo. The market price is 87,000 yen per tonne for standard size and 95,000 yen for cut processed material. Some dealers increased the offer to reduce low priced transaction. The dealers try to pass higher cost price on the reselling price when the steel makers’ price hike is inevitable.

Market sources expect the price would increase when the steel makers announced the price hike. On the other hand, the demand stays at low level and the users request price cut to the dealers.

Plate inventory held by the dealers around Tokyo decreased by 2,664 tonnes to 92,417 tonnes in January from December and the inventory rate declined by 8.1 percentage points to 191.2% for the shipment, according to the national group of plate shearing processors. The rate remains relatively low compared to more than 200% in other areas. The demand slightly increases for the machinery and construction around Tokyo. However, the spot shipment remains low around Tokyo.