Flat H-Beam Price in Tokyo

H-beam market price keeps the level at 83,000 yen per tonne for base size around Tokyo. The buyers try to find the next trend when the dealers try to raise the reselling price to 85,000 yen level and the makers left the selling price unchanged. The makers could increase the selling price depending on the raw materials’ cost situation but the market mood is cool under very slow demand.

The steel structure demand decreased by 19.4% to 93,817 tonnes in March from a year earlier. Some manufacturers restart the capital expenditure but the H-beam dealers’ main target of small businesses’ investment is still slow for building and plants. The buyers resist higher H-beam price under the slow demand.

The H-beam market price peaked out after Tokyo Steel Manufacturing announced the price freeze. The market lost the increase power when Nippon Steel also left the price unchanged. However, the dealers try to increase the reselling price to secure margin when they cannot make money at 83,000 yen per tonne level of reselling price with 79,000 yen of cost price for Tokyo Steel’s products.