Hitachi Metals to Acquire MFC Business

Hitachi Metals agreed with Advanced Energy Industries, USA to acquire mass flow controller unit for around US$ 44 million from the firm, announced on Thursday. Hitachi Metals aims to increase the global MFC operation. The firm establishes the new large scale plant until fiscal 2012 ending in March 2013 and transfers all production from existing plant in Japan and acquiring plant in China. The annual sales of MFC business is expected to increase to 10 billion yen in fiscal 2012 from combined 7.5 billion yen.

Hitachi Metals is expected to have 10% share of the world’s MFC market in fiscal 2010 while Advanced Energy Industries’ share is expected to be 20%. After the acquisition, Hitachi Metals aims to increase the share to 35% and to become the one of world’s largest makers in fiscal 2012 when the world’s market is expected to increase to around 30 billion yen from 25 billion yen in fiscal 2010.