Firm Aluminium Scrap Price in Nagoya

Aluminium scrap market price is firm around Nagoya. The price is 165-170 yen per kilogram for new cutting scrap, 136-141 yen for machinery casting scrap and 125-130 yen for can scrap. The price is supported by higher nonferrous market price when primary aluminium ingot price was around US$ 2,200 at London Metal Exchange on Tuesday.

Japanese aluminium scrap price is increasing. A trader source said the firm offers 10 yen per kg higher price for high grade scrap and 5 yen higher price for low grade scrap.

However, the buyers of aluminium alloy makers resist the higher scrap price when the alloy selling price is still low level. The makers try to find the trend until Japanese market resumes regular operation after major holiday in mid-August.

The scrap transaction around Nagoya is thin since mid-July when the scrap generation is low level and the dealers hold the inventory with expectation for higher price. Imported aluminium tense price reached US$ 1,650-1,680 per tonne from US West Coast, which represents more than 150 yen per kg. The higher import price could impact on the domestic scrap market.