Sumitomo Corp Expands 2 Steel Sheet Service Centers in China

Sumitomo Corporation, Japanese major general trading house, announced on Friday the firm enhances steel sheet processing capacity at service centers in Nanjing and Changchun, China to meet the increasing demand from automobile industry. The firm will introduce a tailored welding blank line (TWB) at Nanjing service center and a coil blanking line at Changchun service center. The introduction will complete in February 2012 in Nanjing and in April 2012 in Changchun. The investment will total approximately 2.2 billion yen. Steel sheet consumption is increasing by Japanese automobile makers in these areas.

The service center in Nanjing, named Nanjing Bao Steel Summit Metal Products, started operation in 2007. The site will introduce the third TWB and a oscillating leveler. The service center in Changchun, named Changchun FBS Steel Processing & Distribution, will introduce the second coil blanking line. Changchun service center started operation in 2004 and expanded processing capacity of the first coil blanking line in 2010.

Sumitomo Corporation operates 10 service centers and one press working company, Shanghai Hi-Tec Metal Products, in China.