Nippon Steel Wins 2nd Position in Japan ERW Production Ranking

Nippon Steel was 2nd position in Japanese electric welded resistance carbon steel pipe production in fiscal 2010 ended March 2011 while the firm was 3rd position in fiscal 2009. JFE Steel was 3rd position compared with 2nd position in fiscal 2009. The production increased by 17.5% to 2.859 million tonnes.

Maruichi Steel Tube dropped the share by 1.0 percentage point to 17.7% of the ERW carbon steel pipe production in fiscal 2010 from fiscal 2009. The production increased by 11.0% to 506,000 tonnes.

Nippon Steel raised the share by 1.4 points to 11.3% in fiscal 2010 from fiscal 2009 and the production increased by 34.6% to 323,000 tonnes. JFE Steel raised the share by 1.0 point to 10.9% and the production increased by 28.6% to 310,000 tonnes.