Ferrous Scrap Price to Decrease around Tokyo for Autumn

Ferrous scrap market price would decrease from around 28,000 yen per tonne for H2 grade at dealers’ purchase price including freight and 33,500-34,500 yen for H2 grade at electric furnace steel makers’ purchase price around Tokyo. The prices are 2,000-3,000 yen lower than the beginning of the year level. The price would decrease due to slow export transaction and maintenance outage by electric furnaces from late half of August through early September.

Electric furnaces’ ferrous scrap purchase price was more than 40,000 yen per tonne around Tokyo in late February, which was 2,500-3,500 yen higher than the beginning of the year level, when the scrap price increased due to higher scrap purchase volume by integrated steel makers with expectation for iron ore and coal cost increase for April-June.

However, the ferrous scrap price decreased by 6,000-7,000 yen per tonne during a month through the end of May due to weak offshore market price. Electric furnaces increased the price in the end of June due to the export increase. However, the price decreased in late July again due to the export slowdown.