Makers’ Hike Supports Plate Steel Price in Tokyo

Steel plate market price is firm at 88,000 yen per tonne for products with 19 millimeters thick, 5 feet width and 10 feet length at the dealers’ selling price without freight around Tokyo. The price is 98,000-100,000 yen for cut processed plate. The dealers try to pass higher cost price on the reselling price while the price increase pace is very slow under slow demand.

Domestic integrated steel makers increase the selling price to cover higher raw materials cost. The price hike is apparently 10,000-15,000 yen per tonne for April. The makers are expected to increase the price by additional around 10,000 yen.

Electric furnace steel makers’ plate selling price decreases under lower ferrous scrap market. The price gap between integrated steel makers and electric furnace steel makers increases. The price gap is reflected in the dealers’ market.

The dealers’ sales plate volume decreased by 12.7% to 21,169 tonnes around Tokyo in April from March, according to the dealers’ group. Slower building demand impacts on the dealers’ shipment while the demand recovers for construction and industrial machinery.