Japanese Aluminium Can Recycling Rate Keeps 90% for 3 Years

Japanese beverage aluminium can recycling rate was 92.5% in fiscal 2011 ended in March 2012, announced Japan Aluminum Can Recycling Association on Thursday. The recycling rate downed by 0.1 point from fiscal 2010 while maintained above 90% for 3 years in a row. The closed recycling rate, called “can-to-can recycling rate,” downed by 3.8 points to 64.5% due to less UBC (used aluminium beverage can scrap) consumption by aluminium re-rollers.

In fiscal 2011, Japanese aluminium can consumption totaled 298,224 tonnes (18.81 billion cans), increasing by 0.7% from fiscal 2010, while the recycled can volume totaled 275,715 tonnes (17.31 billion cans), increasing by 0.5% year-to-year.

Can-to-can recycling rate represented first year-to-year down since fiscal 2009. UBC market price stayed high in fiscal 2011. Then domestic aluminium re-rollers decreased consumption of UBC and RSI (re-melted aluminium can scrap ingot) while increased usage of primary aluminium ingot.