JX Nippon Mining & Metals Launches Cu Foil with Carrier

Japanese copper foil makers launch ultra thin electrolytic copper foil with carrier one after another. JX Nippon Mining & Metals announced on Thursday the firm started shipment of the sample. Fukuda Metal Foil & Powder will start sample shipment in the summer. They try to develop the market to catch up the leading maker of Mitsui Mining & Smelting under the growing demand for ultra fine circuit of small electronics devices.

JX Nippon Mining & Metals developed JXUT series with 2-5 micrometers of thick and 18 or 35 micro meters thick of carrier. The firm offers 2 types of products including product for ultra fine circuit and product with better peel strength chemical proof.

Fukuda Metal Foil & Powder developed the thinnest foil with 1.5 micrometers thick, FUTF series. The firm offers 18 or 35 micrometers thick of carrier. The firm succeeded to develop the product with better peel performance to reduce cleaning process at the users.

Mitsui Mining & Smelting has major world market share in the foil with carrier. However, some of the users try to seek new sources to improve the supply stability.