Deformed Bar Price to be Flat Tone in Tokyo

The deformed bar market price in the Tokyo area, Eastern Japan, is flat at around 58,000 yen per tonne for base size. Production in the local electric furnace steel bar manufacturers increased 14% from the previous month to 291,000 tonnes in January due to the active demand for construction including that of condominium. Shipments of steel bar increased 7.5% to 279,000 tonnes.Both production and shipments are in the high level because makers are producing steel bar in response to demand. Base size and narrow size are likely to keep firmer tone because the supply is expected to be tight from April. Makers have some reasons for cost up as appreciation of material costs and measures for environmental energy. They think they need to plow step by step earning correct profit, and they keep sales and production system of giving priority to pricing. The local market is expected to keep its quiet situation.