Tokyo’s Turnings Scrap Market Price to be in Strong Tone

The turnings ferrous scrap market prices in the Tokyo area, Eastern Japan, are still in the strong tone at around 10,400 yen per tonne for steel turnings, around 13,400 yen per tonne for pig iron turnings A, and around 12,400 yen per tonne for pig iron turnings B, for dealers’ purchase prices.Ferrous scrap price in the area increased by 500 yen per tonne from the previous week, and the trading is active. On the other hand, the turnings scrap price is flat since the electric furnace steel makers are left the purchase prices unchanged. Meanwhile, there are a lot of inquiries of the heavy and new factory busheling scrap. Furthermore, the ferrous scrap prices in the Osaka area are flat at around 11,000 yen per tonne for H2.