Weak Steel Plate Price in Tokyo

Steel plate price is flat with potential decrease in Tokyo. The market price is 79,000-80,000 yen per tonne for products with 19 millimeters of thickness, 5 feet of width and 10 feet of length and 95,000-100,000 yen per tonne for base sized processed plate. Steel frame demand is low for construction when there are few large building projects seasonally and bridge construction still maintains stagnant. Shearing manufacturer source said unfavorable demand condition would continue in the first half of 2006. On the other hand, shearing manufacturers are in full operation supplying processed plate for manufacturing industries such as construction or industrial machines maker. Demand situation contrasts between steel plate for building materials and industrial machines.Shearing manufacturer source expects steel plate demand could rebound sharply for bridge construction in the second half of 2006, though the demand trend is downward in the long term. Steel plate demand is firm totally, increasing especially for UO steel pipe, construction and industrial machines and export. Supply might become tight in summer consequently. However, the market price would maintain weak for a while with low demand for building materials.