Flat Ferrous Scrap Price in Tokyo

Ferrous scrap market price is flat at 11,900 yen per tonne for steel turning scrap, 14,900 yen for A grade pig iron turning scrap and 13,900 yen for B grade pig iron turning scrap at dealers’ purchase price including freight around Tokyo. The price is expected to keep the level when export shipping continues for delayed order backlog. Local scrap supply is easy and diverts to electric furnace steel makers when export shipping from Tokyo bay keeps low level. Makers apparently get sufficient scrap arrival for the consumption. The turning scrap shipping price is FAS 19,000-19,500 yen per tonne and some high price is 20,000 yen. Ferrous scrap price also flat with potential increase around Osaka. The price is 16,500 yen per tonne for H2 grade.