Firm Angle & Channel Price in Tokyo

Equal angle steel market price is increasing at 70,000 yen per tonne for product with 6 by 50 millimeters width at dealers’ site around Tokyo. Channel steel price is 76,000 yen for product with 5 mm thick and 50 by 100 mm width. The distributors cannot cover the higher cost price after the makers increased the selling price. The price is likely to keep firm under low level inventory though the increase could take more time. Some dealers can cover the high cost price while the others cannot cover the cost. The market price increased the bottom but the price ranges gets wider between upside and lower side. The dealers can sell at higher price for dealers. However, the price range is wide at 69,000-71,000 yen per tonne for equal angle and at 75,000-77,000 yen for channel due to mixed attitudes by dealers. The dealers can wait for order from the users. However, some dealers said the demand will increase near future. The demand shows sign to increase.