Ferrous Scrap Price to Down in Tokyo

Ferrous scrap purchase price by electric furnace steel makers around Tokyo stays for 5 weeks. The local scrap supply is ease when export shipping decreases from Tokyo bay. The purchase price is 25,500-27,000 yen per tonne for H2. The price is likely to decrease when local makers reduce the output after July due to summer time outage. The makers’ purchase price was flat at 25,567 yen per tonne for H2 in the first week of July from previous week, according to Japan Ferrous Raw Materials Association. The price is flat for 5 weeks. The exporters cannot get new order when electric furnace steels in South Korea and Taiwan have less appetite. The scrap shipping is 30,000-40,000 tonnes from Tokyo bay in the week and the lower shipping cools mood in local scrap market. Local electric furnaces get scrap arrival at more than the consumption. Local makers plan output reduction in July-September reducing the output by 10-20% from April-June. The makers are expected not to increase the scrap purchase price when they reduce the consumption.