Colored Steel Sheet Market Price Keeps Strong in Tokyo

The market price of colored coated steel sheet is strong around Tokyo. Makers raised their selling price by over 10,000 yen per tonne for July shipment. They considered another hike for October shipment. However, dealers could not pass the increasing cost price enough on the reselling prices yet and the makers decided to postpone the second hike to wait for penetration of price rising in the market.The makers raised their selling price for July shipment when they could not absorb the expansion of productive costs due to the soar of zinc and aluminum prices. However, they said the hike was not enough to cover the costs and supposed additional hike during half year from October 2006. Some distributors finished to pass the makers’ hike on the reselling price from September shipment. The makers postponed the second hike watching the market price condition, while they maintain the stances to raise the price again for improvement of their profitability since material cost keeps high for coating.Makers and distributors are expecting colored steel sheet shipment would increase entering the demand season of autumn.