Firm H-Beam Price in Tokyo

H-beam price is firm at 75,000 yen per tonne for base size with 200 by 100 millimeters width without freight around Tokyo. Trading firms try to increase the reselling price after Nippon Steel increased the selling price by 2,000 yen per tonne for September order and Tokyo Steel Manufacturing left the price unchanged for October order. The dealers are expected to accelerate the price increase move after 20th which is end of monthly account for many dealers.The dealers’ shipment slowed down slightly after second week in September though the shipment was firm in the first week. Many dealers said the dealers’ inventory should decrease little more. However, the smaller dealers watch the market move when larger trading firms try to increase the reselling price. The demand is expected to increase in October-December when the demand for many steel items usually hits yearly peak every year. Other H-beam makers are expected to follow the hike by Nippon Steel when the market mood improves after the slump.