Firm Plate Price in Tokyo

Plate steel market price could increase around Tokyo. The distributors and processors try to increase the reselling price by 2,000-3,000 yen per tonne when integrated steel makers reduce the shipment to distributors and plate supply is getting tighter especially for plate with 9-12 millimeters and 5 feet width. The market price is 63,000-65,000 yen per tonne for leveler processed plate with 3.2 mm thick, 3 feet width and 6 feet length around Tokyo. The supply is getting tighter under lower shipment by integrated steel makers and lower import. The substitute demand increases under tight supply of heavy plate mill products. The distributors try to increase the reselling price while the users resist the higher price. The price is increasing gradually when the supply is expected to get tighter and the distributors try to improve the profitability.