Flat Carbon Steel Wire Price in Tokyo

Carbon steel wire price is flat at 91,000 yen per tonne for product with 4 millimeters diameter and 83,000 yen for general application products wire around Tokyo. The domestic makers experience hard time with lower margin under competition with wire made by cheaper import wire rod. The supply side interests including distributors try to find the chance to increase the selling price. However, the chance is limited when the supply is loose and the demand is slow for civil works while the building demand is stable. The cheaper wire rod import increased after domestic rod makers increased the selling price. The domestic wire makers cannot the higher cost price of domestic rod when they compete with cheaper import and cheaper products made by import rod. Domestic interests expected the import from China could decrease after Chinese government reduced the tax return to 8% in September. However, the carbon wire import increased to 14,018 tonnes in October from 7,250 tonnes in September though the level was much lower than the peak of 32,000 tonnes in May.