Strong H-Beam Price in Tokyo

H-beam market price is strong at 75,000-76,000 yen per tonne for product with 200 by 100 millimeters width at dealers’ sites without freight around Tokyo. Dealers target to raise main price level to 76,000 yen per tonne by spring. There seem some contracts at 76,000 yen in mid February. However, dealers’ shipment is slow and the market price stays temporarily flat. Product arrival from H-beam makers decreased at dealers’ sites in January when the makers reduced order reception volume. Shipment decreased at some dealers and increased slightly at some in January. Trading is slow as total. H-beam inventory held by dealers dealing Nippon Steel’s products is expected to keep flat at the end of January from a month ago around Tokyo. Some distributors said stock out sizes are increasing in their inventory while others said not so. Market dealers would wait order recovery for a while.