Weak Demand, High Price for Cadmium

Cadmium demand is declining worldwide. Production of nickel-cadmium batteries is in downtrend which is the main application of cadmium. Another background is that the users’ demand shifts from cadmium to substitute materials after cadmium was regarded as a hazardous chemical substance by Restriction of Hazardous Substances of European Union. Additionally international cadmium price is recently at record high level and the high price impacts the demand.More than 80% of world cadmium metal is applied to nickel-cadmium batteries. Demand of nickel-cadmium battery was favorable for electric power tools in USA and China in 2006. However, the demand is declining in 2007 due to surplus inventories at the users and demand shift to lithium-ion batteries. Japanese major battery makers are also reluctant to purchase cadmium metal and the supply is surplus against the domestic demand.Cadmium is highly resistant against corrosion and used for pigment and plating materials as well as batteries. However, cadmium image was downed after EU restricted the usage of cadmium into electronic appliances by RoHS last year. The users tend to shift to substitute materials even for applications other than electronic appliances.International cadmium price currently hit record US$ 2.3-2.4 per pound for ingot of 99.99% purity. The mid price jumped up by 40% compared with the beginning of this year.