Secondary Aluminium Output and Shipment Keep High in Japan

Japanese production of secondary aluminium and aluminium alloy ingot increased by 5.3% to 95,216 tonnes and the shipment increased by 4.7% to 95,372 tonnes in November from a year ago, according to Japan Aluminium Alloy Refiners Association. The production increased for 16 months and the shipment for 18 months in a row thanks to the continuously favorable demand. The production in November hit the record.The shipment kept high for die castings and castings while the growth rate slowed down in November, both of which are main demand fields of secondary aluminium and aluminium alloy ingot. The shipment decreased for steel products but the increase in other demand fields covered the decline.As to the production, secondary aluminium alloy ingot especially increased and contributed to the total increase. Japanese secondary aluminium alloy ingot makers seemed to kept full operation within 2006.