Flat H-Beam Price in Tokyo

H-beam market price keeps flat at 76,000-77,000 yen per tonne for products with 200 by 100 millimeters width at dealers’ sites without freight around Tokyo. H-beam shipment remains low at dealers. Dealer source said his company’s inventory slightly increased in April. Dealers’ price hike didn’t penetrate. The demand is expected to increase for June. However, dealers’ sales become slow due to Golden Week holidays. The market price is expected to same range in near future.

Dealer source said the order from consumers slightly increased. Dealers’ shipment remains low in April. Dealers’ inventory products price is rising when H-beam makers raised the selling price by 3,000 yen per tonne. Dealers’ profit is pressured by makers’ price hike. However, Makers’ price hike doesn’t have power to push up the market price.

H-beam market price is expected to keep same level for a while. Large dealer said general contractors are starting to order H-beam for big building project, and the acceptances of orders by makers are increasing. If general contractors’ purchasing begins in earnest, these movements would an impact on in-the-home selling thought the demand for small and middle building projects is unclarity.

Dealers are seeking timing that they would fix higher selling price during which the dealers find out the demand recovery.