Lead Scrap Price in Wide Range around Osaka

Lead scrap market price spreads in a wide range around Osaka. The price is strong at around 70 yen per kilogram for high grade lead scrap while stays at around 40 yen per kg for typographic lead scrap.

Lead price at London Metal Exchange hit record on Monday due to the productive trouble in Australian mine. Japanese official lead ingot price hit 332,000 yen per tonne on Monday, the highest in 27 years, when LME lead price surges up and the foreign exchange rate of yen became even cheaper against US dollar.

The generation volume is low for both high grade lead scrap and typographic lead scrap. The market price of high grade lead scrap is increasing supported by active demand from secondary lead smelters. On the other hand, the market price keeps flat for typographic lead scrap due to stagnant demand.

The demand is shifting from typographic lead to printing board currently. The price difference would widen between high and low grade scrap.