Flat H-Beam Price in Tokyo

H-beam market price keeps flat at 76,000 yen per tonne for products with 200 by 100 millimeters width at dealers’ sites without freight around Tokyo. Many dealers forecast the supply and demand is expected to becomes tight because Nippon Steel’s production would start decreasing after July due to order reduction in May and Building project which was delay due to the revision of building standards low is expected to move. There is less number of small constructed building objects which are leading to dealers’ sales, but there are a large number of big object. However, the demand is recovering. Large dealer source said small dealers’ sales which have inventory increased by about 10% in June from May. The shipment by dealers is slightly improving. Dealer source said the amount of the inventory is expected to decrease in July or August. Dealer source said each dealer should sell their inventory products with higher price. Dealers’ inventory products price is increasing. Dealer source said the firm wants to sell at 80,000 yen per tonne for commercial profit. Large dealer source said the firm would like to raise the selling price by 1,000-2,000 yen per tonne with demand recovery.