Flat Angle and Channel Price in Tokyo

Equal angle price is flat at 75,000 yen per tonne without freight for product with 6 millimeters thick and 50 mm width and channel steel price is flat at 80,000-81,000 yen for product with 5 mm thick, 50 x 100 mm width around Tokyo. The distributors succeeded to get higher price for angle while the channel buyers resist accepting the higher price. The market price is peaking after 2,000-3,000 yen increase in a month after makers’ hike. The distributors’ shipment apparently decreased in March from February. The inventory was flat despite of lower arrival from makers under output reduction. The market sees the inventory is higher than the slow demand. The demand could not lift the market price toward seasonal slower demand in April-June. The distributors’ inventory price increases when 3,000 yen per tonne higher materials arrive from makers from now. The market price shows sign to peak under slow demand though the distributors will try to pass the higher cost price. The makers could have to reduce the supply when they consider another hike to cover higher ferrous scrap cost.