Firm Rebar Price in Tokyo

Concrete reinforcing steel bar market price is firm at 68,000 yen per tonne for base size with 19 millimeters diameter around Tokyo. The rebar output by local makers around Tokyo was same volume at 340,000 tonnes to the shipment in June. The shipment was forecasted to keep slow, but increased by 4% from last month and decreased by 5% from a year ago. The demand keeps firm around Tokyo.The inventory of makers and dealers increased to about 180,000 tonnes by 2% from last month and 25% from a year ago when Godo Steel increased the inventory for the refinement of rolling mill in Funabashi works. The firm’s inventory is decreasing. The rebar supply around Tokyo is expected to be tighter when makers will stop the operation of their steel making for July-September.Local makers’ shipment prices are 62,000-63,000 yen per tonne, which can’t rise due to long contract. Makers are facing financial difficulties. Ferrous scrap or other material price is increasing. Each makers and dealers are requesting the improvement of their selling price.