Weak Angle, Channel Price in Tokyo

Equal angle steel market price is weak at 74,000-75,000 yen per tonne for product with 6 millimeters thick and 50 mm width around Tokyo. Channel steel price is 80,000-81,000 yen for product with 5 mm thick, 50 by 100 mm width. General contractors are starting to give an estimate small-middle building project to large dealers, though dealers’ shipment is slow. Dealer source said the firm can’t expect the recovery of the demand in July or August, but expects to increase the demand in September.Deale source said the firm’s inventory products price increased by 3,000 yen per tonne due to makers7 price hike which increased by 3,000 yen in March, except to some size products which ships slowly. The market price is kept by increased purchasing price of dealers. Dealer source said his firm can’t ensure enough profit and wants to raise the market price by 1,000-2,000 yen per tonne.Makers are adjusting the supply and demand due to continuous reduction of accepted order or slow-up of rolling chance. Especially, equal angle inventory is over. The improvement of the supply and demand may make a while.