Flat H-Beam Price in Tokyo

H-beam market price keeps flat with strong tone at 76,000-77,000 yen per tonne for products with 200 by 100 millimeters width at dealers’ sites without freight around Tokyo. Japanese distributors’ H-beam inventory around Tokyo held by Tokiwa-kai, which is group of dealers dealing Nippon Steel’s products, slightly decreased at the ended of June from last month. The effect of decreased output by makers is seemed to make influence to the amount of inventory. There is possible that the supply and demand would be tight from August with the demand.Small-middle building project is appearing in concrete form. Users’ order is increasing to dealers. Dealer source said dealer’s sales is increasing from the ended of June and increased by around 30% in July compared with June. Japanese biggest electric furnace maker, Tokyo Steel Manufacturing announced to reduce the output by about 30% in July compared with June. Other electric furnace makers decrease their output due to scheduled output reduction in summer season. Nippon Steel announced to keep the reduction of accepted order. Especially, electric furnace makers care about increases production cost due to higher ferrous scrap price. Dealers forecast increased demand and decreased supply, and want to increase selling price by 1,000-2,000 yen per tonne. Some large dealer are raising to 78,000 yen per tonne from last week.