Strong H-Beam Price in Tokyo

H-beam market price is strong tone at 76,000-77,000 yen per tonne for base size with 200 by 100 millimeters width around Tokyo. The inventory products are short. Large dealers’ inventory is remarkably decreasing. Large dealer source said large dealers’ inventory would decrease over 10% at the ended of July from last month. Some source said Japanese distributors’ H-beam inventory held by Tokiwa-kai, which is group of dealers dealing Nippon Steel’s products, decreased to 250,000 tonnes in the ended of July.

Some large dealer turned over H-beam products at 78,000 yen per tonne including freight. Cheaper price is increasing. The market price is fixing at 77,000 yen. Some dealer made a sale at 78000 yen excluding freight. Dealers’ inventory product price which is increasing is pushing the market price.

The shipment from dealers’ inventory hit the bottom in June and is increasing from July. The shipment would be dull in August due to Bon holiday. However, the demand is likely to increase in near future. Large size building project is much. It is hard situation that makers supply it to dealers. Dealers are selling it in higher price.