Flat Gas Supply and Structural Steel Pipe Price in Tokyo

Market price is flat at around 115,000 yen per tonne for gas supply steel pipe made by integrated steel makers and at around 103,000 yen for general structural pipe or STK around Tokyo. The distributors try to pass higher cost price on the reselling price under slower demand after the makers’ hike. The dealers’ shipment was slow since April due to slow building demand. The gas supply pipe demand was slow in April-June seasonally. The integrated steel makers try to meet the slower demand by reducing the output. The dealers try to keep the reselling price and try to find the timing to increase the price in and after September. The dealers’ shipment was also slow for STK grade. The dealers’ reduced the purchase volume from makers to reduce the overstock. The makers increased the selling price by 5,000 yen per tonne in June and July depending on the makers. The dealers’ try to increase the reselling price by 3,000-5,000 yen since July.