Dealers Increases Rebar Price to 75,000 y/t around Tokyo

Long products dealers around Tokyo raise the rebar selling price to 74,000-75,000 yen per tonne by 1,000 yen for base size with 19 millimeters diameter from September due to makers’ price hike. Dealer source said the firm would like to clear the situation that cheaper selling price and higher purchasing price. The demand is expected to increase for autumn. Dealers think to build decent selling price at an earlier date.Dealers’ selling price is 73,000-74,000 yen for stock products in their warehouse. Because each rebar makers increased the selling price to 70,000 yen per tonne for the contract in August, dealers’ profit is becoming lower. In view of the spread between dealers’ selling price and makers’ selling price, dealers will increase the selling price.The demand is seen to be enough in near future. Reinforcement placing association in Tokyo said reinforcement placing work is full within this year because building construction is expected to focus after September.